Dufton Mine, North Pennines 18 May 25 Julian Cruickshank When 18 May 25 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Add To Calendar Download ICS Google Calendar iCalendar Office 365 Outlook Live Bookings £0.00 Book Now Where Dufton Mine Dufton, North Pennines Event Type Surface Meet Underground meet Easy An “Easy grade” surface walk and underground look into Barytes and Lead workings on the North Pennine Escarpment. Led by Warren Allison and Liz Withey. Bookings Tickets Spaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Registration Information Name Phone E-mail Please provide Next of Kin, Emergency contact no, and any relevant medical notes I confirm I have a current CATMHS membership with the BCA Caving category. Booking Summary 1 x Standard Ticket £0.00 Total Price £0.00